Wednesday, 12 November 2014


How many tens?

I am learning to count in tens. I found this easy because I know how to count in tens.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014


Compound words

We are learning about compound words. Compounds words are words that have 2 little words that are joined together. Both the words must make sense. It was tricky for me to find the compound words.

Friday, 8 August 2014

Making a plan for my story

We are learning to make a plan. We can make a plan for any story. Making a plan helps us to remember what happened and to write about it. We need to remember to have a topic and at least 3 ideas about the topic in our plan.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Root words

We are learning about root words. Some root words have s at the end, like 'looks'. Some have ing at the end, like 'playing' and some have ed at the end, like 'shouted'. Root words are good because they help us to make new words. It is easy to find root words.

Friday, 30 May 2014

Different strategies to spell words for story writing

We were learning to look in different places for words that we want to write. We look in the word cards, the red folder and around the room. We also sound out words.

We use the word cards so that it does not take us very long to write our stories. 

Punctuation marks