Thursday, 6 September 2018

the heart-faced dog

in the afternoon Miss Graham put us in to groups and we had to decide who was A or B

the A team got a picture of a heart faced dog but only the A people were allowed to see the picture

the B people had instructions from the A people


1.  How to draw a heart shaped dog

2.  First you have to draw a upside down heart

3. Then you you have to draw eyes

4. Then the eye you draw on the right side colur around the white bit of the eye

5. Then you have to draw half shaped circle ear

6. Next to draw a little tongue at the bottom of the upside down heart

7. After that you draw above the tongue a triangle nose  

what we think went wrong : my buddy was done drawing the heart faced dog it didn't look what we

thought it would look like and it was hard to give instructions to my buddy.
   try it at home.

  Mrs Graham made this list when we have two buddies my buddy was Cheng  we had to decide who was a and who was b i was a and Cheng was b a person has a picture and even has a whiteboard in a whiteboard marker we could go outside  and we were allowed to explain instructions to our buddy they had to see how well they drawed the heart face dog but they didn't know it was a heart face dog So we had to explain carefully to them instructions and see what the  heart face dog would look like it's hard to explain the cheng because he wasn't listening properly think would turn out how we thought would be. He keeps saying that it looked like a hamster but he did a good job Though.

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